Bethel UMC
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The Worship Service

The schedule for Bethel services has been altered during the period of the Covid-19 virus pandemic. All services at the church were discontinued, following UMC guidance, after March 22, 2020. A format was established for providing an online worship service of recorded and text messages each week. On May 3,2020 Bethel began "open-air" live services at the church following guidelines for "social distancing" and on May 31,2020, Pentecost Sunday, began a live 11:00 AM Sunday worship service inside the church under Bethel's COVID-19 Policy, developed from the CDC guidelines for church gatherings. An online service continues using the same format as the live service.

Pre-Covid recorded church services in a format later used for online
03/08/20 . 03/15/20 . 03/22/20
Click on a labeled service below to experience an online service from 2020
(Click 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025 for other online services)

Click here to view pictures from the church services.
Most online services after 04/26/20 will include a link to photos
taken at the church service on the same day

03/29/20 . Palm Sunday . Sunrise . Easter Sunday . 04/19/20 . 04/26/20
05/03/20 . Mother's Day . 05/17/20. Heritage Sunday . Pentecost
Trinity Sunday . Flag Day . Father's Day . Wesley Birthday
July4th Wkend . 07/12/20 . 07/19/20 . 07/26/20
08/02/20 . 08/09/20 . 08/16/20 . 08/23/20 . 08/30/20
Labor Day Wkend . 09/13/20 . Rosh Hashanah/Const.Week . 09/27/20
World Communion . Homecoming/Pastor Appreciation . Laity Sunday . Reformation Sunday . All Saints' Day . Veterans Day . 11/15/20 . Christ the King/Thanksgiving
Chrismon Service . 2nd/Jesus Straightway . 3rd/The Christmas Star . 4th/Second Coming
Christmas Eve . "Advent Lessons and Carols" . "Christmas Lessons and Carols"
Christmas/Sword of Truth/Twelve Days

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