Celebrate Jesus

UMC Leesburg Mission

June 23-30, 2001

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This page provides access to photos that were taken during the week of "Celebrate Jesus" activities in the Leesburg District. Most of the pictures were taken at the Wildwood UMC where "photographers" Ken Vickery and Phill Brown were assigned to a family team. We hope that members of the Celebrate Jesus team and of Wildwood UMC will find that these pictures help them to recall some pleasant memories of the week.

The pictures are grouped by the day of the week. Each of the items below provide access to an "index page" for the photos for one day. Click on the photo icon at the beginning of a line to open the index page. Each day's page contains small copies of the photos for the day. Click on a small photo to open a view of the full size picture. Use your browser's "back" control to return to the index page. Icons at the bottom of the page can be used to move backward and forward through the index pages without having to return to this page. If you have the RealPlayer software on your PC, clicking on the "Celebrate Jesus" heading on an index page will open a "slide show" of pictures on the page.

Individual photos can be saved to your hard drive by clicking on a small photo on an index page to view the full picture and then using your browser's "File", "Save As" option (or right click on the photo and use the "Save Picture as" option) to save the photo. All pictures are in standard JPEG format.

Day 0 - The commissioning service at Community UMC in Fruitland Park and arrival at assigned churches.
Day 1 - Sunday Worship Service and first neighborhood activity.
Day 2 - Monday. VBS begins. Cookies distributed to businesses.
Day 3 - Tuesday. Passing out water at shopping center. Team photo. Preparing more "bags of light".
Day 4 - Wednesday. Pool party and Evening Celebration Service at Morrison UMC in Leesburg.
Day 5 - Thursday. Hilites for this day were the baby white Siberian Tiger and the Youth Water Volleyball & Pizza party.
Day 6 - Friday. The "Block Party".
Day 7 - Saturday. The "Closing Ceremony" at Community UMC in Fruitland Park and return to home.
This entry opens a single index page for all of the above photos. The daily "slide shows" can be run by clicking the underlined/hilited heading introducing the day's pictures.

NOTE: The original source of each photo can be determined by the prefix of the file name. Those beginning with "CJ" were taken by Ken Vickery. Those beginning with "MVC" were taken by Phill Brown. If you place the mouse pointer over one of the index photos, the name of the photo file should appear at the bottom of the browser window.
Each day a newsletter, GLORY STORIES, was distributed to each team by the "Pigeon Post". Scanned images are provided here for some of the newsletters. Click on a date to read the newsletter for that day: June 25, June 26, June 28, June 29