Trinity Sunday
June 4, 2023

Sources of Information for Today's Online Service
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service.

Topics for Today
Wikipedia is a frequent source
for information in these articles.

Trinity Sunday
Trinity Sunday
From Discipleship Ministries
Trinity Sunday
From Wikipedia
What Is the Trinity?
from Christian Apologetics and
Research Ministry
John Wesley's 25 Articles of Religion
The first 4 relate to the Trinity

The Church Year/Seasons
Liturgical/Christian Year
Ordinary Time

The Great Commission
Great Commission from wikipedia
What Was the Great Commission?
What is the Great Commission?

Bethel Worship Planning Documents
2023 Monthly Worship Calendar
2023 RCL 2 page Summary
Bethel Weekly Worship Planning worksheet
2023 Annual Program Planning worksheet

Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries

Weekly Worship Planning Series
This is the Second service of a 2 service Worship Series from the Discipleship Ministries.
The graphics at the top of this page list the topics for the services of the Series.
(Click on another graphic to see that session's resource page)

Note: This material from UDM is not the basis for today's message
but is provided here for your personal study and reflection.

Click here for suggestions about how to use this material.

Worship Series: "When God Came Down Like Fire"
Pentecost is both an event in the life of the church and a season that lives out the implications of the event. Pentecost Sunday marks the shift in the liturgical calendar from telling the story of Jesus, our Messiah and Savior, to telling the story of the church, the ones who choose to be disciples of Jesus the Christ. It doesn’t mean, of course, that we stop talking about Jesus or that the church doesn’t appear in the first half of the liturgical year. It does mean that this long season we sometimes call Ordinary Time is our time, the church’s time to remember the sending of the Great Commission and the empowerment of the Pentecost event and to live our faith out loud in the world, reflecting the values and priorities of the kin-dom of God. To shore us up for the long journey ahead of us, we remember the sending. We remember the moment when fire came from heaven and the power of the Spirit blew through the church with gale-force winds. And then we stop in adoration and awe as we consider the source of this power and the sustaining presence that is ours in this endeavor of faith. So, a short, two-week series this time, Pentecost Sunday and Trinity Sunday together. Join us as we remember together the time when God came like fire.

This Service's Theme: "Go Therefore"
Liturgical Resources
Trinity Sunday is about God and not about us. And yet, because we can know God only in relationship, it has to be about us too.
Worship Planning Notes
Preaching Notes

Lectionary Scriptures:
Genesis 1:1-2,4; Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20;
Suggested Hymns . Music Notes . DM Accompaniments

Sources of Music for the following hymns are:
- UMH CD.....UDM - DM Accompaniment..... MM/DD/YY - Recorded Service

Hymns Considered For this week: